Notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj
Notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj

notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj

I,, affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State ofNew Mexico that the statements in this motion are true and correct.Dated: Signature of person making affirmationPrinted name of person making affirmationUSE NOTE1.The plaintiff may fulfill this requirement by completing and filing Form 4-702ANMRA. $Attorney for Plaintiff If the Plaintiff is not represented by an attorney, the Plaintiff must complete the followingaffirmation. Plaintiff previously has filed or has attached to this motion an affidavit or affirmationregarding the (defendant222s) (defendants222) military status.1The Plaintiff requests the court to enter judgment for the following damages, costs, and fees: Damages. The return of service was filed with this court on the day of.

notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj

The defendant(s), and (have) (has)failed to appear or to file an Answer or other responsive pleading to the Complaint. Service of a copy of the Summons, Complaint, and Answer form in this case were madeon defendant(s) on the day of. , Defendant.MOTION FOR DEFAULT JUDGMENT Plaintiff requests the court to enter a default judgment, and in support of this request, plaintiffstates as follows: The Complaint in the above described case was filed on the day of. District of Columbia Superior Court Building B 510 4th Street, N.W. Either a landlord or tenant can file a motion. A motion is a request to the judge to do something in your case.

notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj

STATE OF NEW MEXICOIN THE COURT COUNTY, Plaintiff,v.No. Please enter your city, county, or zip code.

Notice of motion to enter default template superior court nj