Unzip the map you downloaded, and put the unzipped folder into the saves folder.One Block is a survival map that adds Pocket Edition to Minecraft, a lot of new textures, plot, behavior and a new line of survival.Go to your %appdata%/.minecraft folder.How to install The One-Block Survival Map for Minecraft:

You can also reach the End in this map, so killing the Ender Dragon is definitively a possibility! Reaching the Nether is also possible, but you should complete 8 challenges before you venture there.

In the distance you will also see several different islands which you must strive to reach, all with different purposes. Right next to you on your little block of bedrock is a island with trees, and one with mushrooms, so you have something to work with. Don’t fret though, as it should be called “One-Block”, the bedrock block is not the only thing in this world. The One-Block Survival Map for Minecraft is a pretty interesting map, in that you start out on a piece of bedrock, and from there on, must try to survive.