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In Case your issue is not resolved or need further help on the same, plz feel free to contact us & raise a service request to us. ※ If you experience any glitch in phone operation, phone behaves abnormally or hangs frequently just after installing an application, itz better to un-install the same. ※ Lot of Antivirus & cleaning apps may not be useful always & just eat away the phone resources to make it slower & use more data & battery. ※ Try to Download apps that are add free as too many adds makes you click accidently on them & downloading the other unwanted linked apps ※ Make sure that the app you are downloading is from a reliable developer to prevent any abnormal issues to the phone ※ Reboot the Phone once after the app has downloaded

Some Important Information for downloading apps & games : May be due to the reason that the particular app may not be supported for this Operating Syste m. Some of the apps if not found in play store while searching from This process explains how to download an app in LG Smart Phone from Google Play Store. Downloading Games & Applications in LG Smart Phone From Google Play Store :