Power rangers jungle fury dvd
Power rangers jungle fury dvd

power rangers jungle fury dvd

Top 25 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers EpisodesAs with previous Power Rangers DVD sets, this review is not going to be about the quality of the show itself.

power rangers jungle fury dvd power rangers jungle fury dvd

No, the Power Rangers Legacy collection - available only through Shout! Factory directly - is for the hardcore, longtime Power Rangers fan… And it really does deliver. You don’t make a limited edition set priced at $650.00 as a “I want that!” impulse buy for kids or even for casual adult fans. Suffice to say, it’s for those latter fans that the recently-released Power Rangers Legacy: The First 20 Seasons set exists. The show has also become a true cult phenomenon – one that is both continually popular with new generations of kids watching the latest incarnations, and also with adult fans who grew up with the show and still hold it near and dear. Power Rangers is an institution at this point, which is quite a shock given its humble beginnings. And so many different bright, colorful uniforms…

Power rangers jungle fury dvd